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Dangal" is a Hindi-language sports drama film released in 2016. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the movie is based on the true story of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters, Geeta Phogat and Babita Kumari, who became successful wrestlers in India.
The story begins in a small village in Haryana, India, where Mahavir Singh Phogat, a former national wrestling champion, dreams of winning a gold medal for his country. However, due to financial constraints and societal pressures, Mahavir is forced to give up his wrestling career. Determined to fulfill his dreams through his children, he hopes to have a son who can become a wrestler. However, his wife Daya gives birth to four daughters: Geeta, Babita, Ritu, and Vinesh.
Despite initial disappointment, Mahavir realizes that gender does not limit his daughters' potential. He begins to train them in wrestling secretly, initially facing opposition from the villagers and even his own family. Mahavir's rigorous training regimen challenges the societal norms and perceptions regarding women's capabilities.
As the girls grow older, Geeta and Babita start showing remarkable talent and dedication. Mahavir decides to take them to a wrestling academy in the city of Patiala, where they face further challenges and intense training. Over time, Geeta and Babita's skills improve, and they start participating in wrestling competitions.
Geeta, the eldest daughter, faces a significant turning point in her life when she is selected to represent India in the Commonwealth Games. However, the pressure to succeed becomes overwhelming, and she loses her initial matches. Disheartened and feeling defeated, Geeta loses faith in herself and her father's coaching methods. This creates a rift between them, and Geeta decides to leave her father's coaching and join a different trainer.
Meanwhile, Babita continues to train under Mahavir's guidance and achieves success in various national-level competitions. Mahavir realizes his mistake in being too demanding of Geeta and her need for emotional support. He mends his relationship with her and decides to train her once again.
In a dramatic turn of events, Geeta realizes the value of her father's teachings and his unwavering belief in her. She returns to his coaching, and together they work towards redemption and preparing for the upcoming Commonwealth Games. Geeta's transformation and renewed dedication lead her to win the gold medal in her weight category, bringing glory to herself, her family, and her country.
"Dangal" showcases the inspiring journey of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters, emphasizing the importance of determination, gender equality, and breaking societal barriers. The film highlights the power of self-belief and parental support in achieving extraordinary goals, making it a heartwarming and motivational story.
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