Reservoir Dogs watch full movie online
Reservoir Dogs" is a crime thriller film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. Released in 1992, the movie follows the story of a group of professional criminals who come together to carry out a diamond heist. The film features an ensemble cast including Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi, and Quentin Tarantino himself.
The plot revolves around six criminals, each of whom is assigned a code name based on colors: Mr. White (Keitel), Mr. Orange (Roth), Mr. Blonde (Madsen), Mr. Pink (Buscemi), Mr. Brown, and Mr. Blue. They are brought together by their boss, Joe Cabot (played by Lawrence Tierney), and his son, "Nice Guy" Eddie (Chris Penn), for a jewelry store heist.
The movie opens after the heist has gone terribly wrong. The criminals meet at their designated hideout, an abandoned warehouse, where they suspect that one of them might be an undercover police informant. With tensions running high, the group starts to suspect each other, leading to a series of intense and violent confrontations.
As the film progresses, the story is cleverly presented in a non-linear fashion, with flashbacks providing background information about each character and the events leading up to the heist. Mr. Orange is revealed to be an undercover cop, who had managed to infiltrate the group and gain their trust. He faces difficulties maintaining his cover while dealing with a serious gunshot wound he sustained during the botched robbery.
Throughout the movie, the audience is taken on a roller-coaster ride of deception, betrayal, and violence. The film features Tarantino's trademark dialogue, pop culture references, and a memorable soundtrack, all of which contribute to its iconic status in the world of cinema.
"Reservoir Dogs" is known for its gritty and stylized violence, dark humor, and compelling storytelling, making it one of Quentin Tarantino's most influential and acclaimed works. It has since become a cult classic and a major milestone in independent filmmaking.